Name: Jonathan Houseman Davis Nickname: HIV DOB: January 18, 1971 Marritial Status: Married Children: Nathan,
Pirate Ex-wife: Renee Perez Instrument: Vocals, bagpipes, drums Jonathan Houseman Davis was born in Bakersfield,
California on January 18th, 1971. Jonathan went to Highland High School, the same high school as Beavis and Butthead. Jonathan
hung out with the so-called freaks and misfits in school. He frequented gay clubs, and still does to this day.When Jonathan
was sixteen, his father "found" Jesus and saved himself. His father used to be big band keyboardist, and owned a music store.
The priests made his dad burn Jonathan's Motley Crue posters and tapes. At the time of his religious discovery was when his
father began looking down on Jonathans love for music, though he had been an avid supporter to that point. The first show
Jonathan had gone to was in Los Angeles. to see Cradle of Thorns, who were later signed to Korn's record label, Elementree,
under the name Videodrone (Videodrone broke up after their debut CD). Jonathan thought that Fieldy was an asshole throughout
his childhood, because Fieldy used to make fun of him. Jonathan grew up in Bakersfield where his brother Mark (singer in Adema)
says " there's nothing to do but drugs and drink and fuck". Also when 16, he became a coroners assistant at the Coroners
Department in Kern County. He went on to graduate at the San Francisco School of Mortuary Science. " I had a sick obsession
with embalming and autopsies, but I didnt want to fuck the corpses or nothing. I just got off on cutting people open. I could
do things that serial killers did and get paid for it. I could hack up the bodies. I cut up people that I knew from drug overdoses,
car accidents, a guy that died when a typewriter fell on his head. That kind of stuff shows that you could die at any minute.
It helps you to live for the moment and appreciate your life." Jonathan came across several disturbing incidents while
working in the morgue; " A motherfucker fucked dead bodies. This guy, he was a freak. Every time I'd go to the mortuary
to drop off bodies, he was all [creepy voiced], 'Hi, Jonathan, how are you? Come here.' And hed always be rubbing me."
After seeing victims of car crashes, suicides, and sexual abuse-including people he had known or talked to the day before,
he began to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and has nightmares to this day, one of which is exorcised in the Follow
the Leader song Pretty, about a young incest victim. Jonathan earned his nickname "HIV" after the "faget" term
he was dubbed in High School. Jonathan stood apart from his peers because of his different style of dress, mimicking his pop
star idols, Duran Duran. Jonathan does not however have AIDS or the HIV virus. Spend any time with Davis and one is likely
to be subjected to an endless barrage of queer references and gay jokes. But what might initially come across as small-town
homophobia turns out to be something more, a by-product of a lifetime of sexual confusion. One Davis-penned song, entitled
Faget, reflects on time spent as a Duran Duran-loving New Romantic, when the singer would don makeup and hang out
in gay bars. " Everyone thought I was gay my whole life," says Davis, " So I have to joke about it just to deal
with it." As a reminder Jonathan has "HIV" tattooed on his upper left arm. " That tattoo has probably saved my life.
You know in situations when passion and lust take over your brain.... I take a look at that tattoo and I remember that the
virus is out there and you never know who's got it" says Jonathan. Jonathan wasnt even baptized as a Catholic until his
mothers re-marriage. " I dont believe in organized religion. I dealt with them hand in hand, and a whole bunch of Catholic
priests tried to molest me. Telling me I was gay and I should go home with them and stuff." On his upper right arm is
a tattoo of a crazed bishop ripping up his skin. " The bishop is a symbol of the atrocities that religion is making. He's
ripping up my skin to reveal Christ. It's more of a symbol of how corrupt religion is. I don't believe in any of it because
of shit like televangelism. Do you really think that all that money really goes to charity?" " Before I got in KoRn,
I tried out to be Jesus Christ just so I could face his ass." says Jonathan of the show Jesus Christ Superstar. He was such
an asshole to me, but it still made me cry to watch him hang by his neck." Jonathan swapped his coroners job to a steady
diet of Top Ramen and a garage at Long Beach when he made the try-out for Creep. His father cried when he helped him move
his stuff and has been quoted as saying later that he was happy that his son was at least " chasing his dreams." After
Creep, Jonathan went on to join the band Sex Art as lead singer. It was in this band that he was spotted by Munky and Head
at a local club. They asked him to try out for their band, which was then called L.A.P.D.. Jonathan went and tried out. " I
didn't want to do it. I went to a psychic and she told me I was stupid if I didn't do it" he says. And so, KoRn was born.
Within two weeks of Jonathans arrival, the band recorded versions of Predictable, Daddy, Blind,
and Alive. They entitled this demo Neidermeyers Mind. Paul Pontius (the A&P rep for Immortal Records) waited
through four Korn shows as a silent observer before confronting the band. In Long Beach Jonathan befriended a speed dealer.
" Its just about being up," he explained. "If I didnt have to sleep, Id love it. If I could just stay awake and
there was no such thing as sleeping theres not enough time. Id wake up in the morning and do a line," Jonathan says of
his speed addiction. " Speed in the morning, I'd have it all lined up for breakfast so when I'd lay down and go to sleep,
I'd wake up and just snort and its like, Yeah, okay, I'm up. It was bad. It's like, you do one line and stay up all night,
but then you have shit to do the next day so you have to do another line to be able to keep staying up to get that shit done.
Eventually you start spinning out from sleep deprivation." Helmet in the bush was written about Jonathans speed addiction.
To write lyrics for the first Korn record, Jonathan returned to Bakersfield and wrote lyrics at an old recording studio
called Fat Tracks. " I like being miserable. I guess Im punishing myself. I guess I punish myself everyday. I dont know
I havent really analyzed myself lately. I just like the pain." Jonathan's lyrics have created nothing short of controversy
and many of his songs come from the people around him, including his stepmother who is the subject of the song Kill You,
about how she constantly harassed, punished, and tormented him, and the appropriately titled Mr. Rogers which was
originally to be called " Be My Neighbor", a song which was inspired by the television show Mr. Rogers. " When
I was a little kid watching Mr. Rogers, that shit was scary. He was a freaky old man... Land of Make believe and Mr. fuckin
McFeely and shit... made me sick. So back when I was doing speed, like for 5 or 6 days I'd be trippin out and my brain would
start to get freaky and get schizophrenic and stuff, and I'd tape it and watch it everyday over and over... I don't know,
I was sick in the head. As a kid he told me to be polite and all it did was get me picked on. I fucking hate that man.
Thanks for making me polite and trusting everyone, and easy to take advantage of. So I spent 3 months on that one song, just
tweakin' on it, and it was totally just my Mr. Rogers obsession, about how evil I thought he was. Pretty much drug induced."
And as for the much discussed Daddy from KoRn's debut album, Davis says " People think Daddy was written because
my dad fucked me up the ass, but that's not what the song's about. It wasn't about my dad or my mom. When I was a kid I was
being abused by someone else and I went to my parents and told them about it. They thought I was lying and joking around,
so they never did shit about it. They didn't believe it was happening to their son. I don't like to talk about that song,
this is the most I've ever talked about it." When Daddy was recorded Jonathan became so emotional that they left
the tape rolling. At the end of the song you can hear a door creaking. That's Jonathan walking out of the sound studio. Daddy
has only been performed live once (entirely), but Jonathan became too emotional and so they stopped playing. At the young
age of three Jonathan went through the painful ordeal of parental divorce. His father Rick later remarried. Considering that
Jonathan has portrayed his father as an abusive enemy of all that he was and wanted to be, the two seem to get along surprisingly
well. When asked about Dead Bodies Everywhere, about how he didn't want his son to be a musician. " Initially
there was some nervousness on my part," he says of first hearing songs describing his relationship with his son. " But
it forced us to sit down and go over all the issues and resolve them. And we did, didn't we?" " Yeah," says Jonathan
obediently. " I had lost everything in bankruptcy, and I was going through a divorce, and at the moment I looked at my
son and said, 'Always have a day job to fall back on.' And fortunately he didn't listen to me. But everything's okay now."
" We were both fucked up." Jonathan concedes. " I still remember when I drove back home after you moved to Long
Beach," his dad says. " When I saw you were living in one corner of a garage, you have no idea how many buckets I
cried driving home. But I thought, at least he's pursuing his dream. " I'll be damned," dad continues, " now
you're a little drunk in front of your kid, making music and touring all the time, just like I was." Jonathan says " Since
I was 13, all we talked about was pussy. It wasn't until I started writing songs about him that we started talking about all
that other stuff. He's not that bad now. But at that time it felt horrible. When he asks me, 'I wasn't a bad dad, was I?'
What am I going to say? 'You were an asshole'?" But the truth is that Jonathan now does understand, at least a little.
" Ever since I've had a kid I totally have new respect for my dad," he marvels. " He did fuck me over, but I can
understand why. When he left to go on the road, he needed to put food on the table. He needed to pay hospital bills: I was
asthmatic, I was in the hospital every month from the age of three to the age of ten. When you're three years old you don't
think about that shit. It really freaked me out when I left to go to Japan and my son said, 'You got to go work? Bye daddy.'
Then he rolled over, like 'don't talk to me' It hurt my feelings more than anything in the world." In November 1998
Jonathan married his girlfriend of seven years, Renee. " Man, I gave her a wedding she will never forget! I was fully in
all armor and wearing a Kings Crown; she's a fairy. There were all kinds of little fairies and sprites jumping in the trees
and shit, it was crazy. Renee came up with it... we were like sitting there and thought wouldn't it be really badass to be
all medieval. We saw that film... remember Excalibur? Kinda like that, and she went on from there and did it all up. It was
a fuckin' bad-ass was definitely dope. People were trippin' the fuck out. Everybody had to dress in costumes
and shit so it was just a fun time. The whole thing... the castle we were in and everything... the whole thing was just awesome."
Jonathan has two sons, Nathan Houseman Davis, who was born on October 18, 1995, and Pirate Howsmon Davis on March 18, 2005.
Before the birth of Nathan, Jonathan kept a beeper on him at all times. " This tells me when my childs coming. If Im onstage,
I say: Im having a baby now, bye!" " My astrologer told me it was going to be a girl. My little girl has been coming
to me in my dreams, and its breaking my fucking heart." He was going to name the little girl Salaam Dementia, but at
delivery Jonathan was only slightly surprised to see, as he put it, " pink balls", and he had to come away from the
girls name Salaam Dementia. He named his son after his best friend, Nathan Cox. " I'm going down the same road my dad did.
Its killing me, because Im doing what my dad did to me, in that Im always on the road, but I tell myself that Im making his
life better in the future. He'll be pissed off with me, probably get in a band and write songs about me, and that would make
me the happiest man in the world." " I miss Nathan and Renee a lot, but I wouldnt do that to them, dragging them all
over the world with me would be cruel. Touring is really crazy!! Its such a weird feeling, last time I saw him (Nathan) he
was a toddler, and now hes already walking! I love music and I feel I have something to say but sometimes I wonder if it is
worth it." Unfortunately, In 2000 Renee and Davis spilt. Though Jonathan now has a new wife now, a former adult actress,
Deven Davis. The two married on a beach of the big island in Hawaii in late 2004.
More Jonathan Facts: Jonathan was cast out of his home in 1989. Jonathans mother took a liking to a local actor who
was portraying Judas in a Bako production of "Jesus Christ Superstar", and so Jons parents divorced when he was three. When
asked about it, Jon says, "He was such an asshole to me, but it still made me cry to watch him hang by his neck." Jonathan
on his adolescence: "I was into Bauhaus, Ministry, Depeche Mode, the Thompson Twins. Dude, I was a New Romantic! I was a sissy
la-la. They even took me to the gay [students] counselor just because I wore makeup. All the cheerleaders would come and
try and pick up on me just for laughs. That hurt." His favorite bans now include: Flock of seagulls, Missing person, and Duran
Duran. While his favorite country singer is Hank Williams. Jonathan on his Dad: "He did fuck me over, but I can understand
why. When he left to go on the road, he needed to put food on the table. He needed to pay hospital bills: I was asthmatic,
I was in the hospital every month from the age of three to the age of ten." His father owned a music store, and so he became
immersed in the workings of the instruments. If he spotted an instructor between classes, he would ask them how to play. Most
of them would show him the basics, and then hed learn the rest himself. In this manner he learned how to play the piano, upright
bass, violin, and the clarinetby the age of twelve. (Jonathan) "I thought touring would be one big-ass fucking partychicks
everywhere, the whole fantasy. Its nothing like I thought. Its better. If it was like what I thought it would be, Id be dead
now." After his parents split, Jonathan took up the drums; a Christmas present from his grandmother. Jonathan: "Best friends
stab you in the front." Jon's hobby while on the bus is to surf the net for KoRn sites on his apple laptop. Jon does not like
to write music unless the instrumental parts of the song is finished, but still does sometimes. Jonathan has called his signing
on the first two albums as "straight fuckin cathartic rage." Jon has a strong belief in guardian angels, strengthened by his
own paranormal encounters with his deceased great-grandmother and great-uncle, and further by the theories of his astrologer
aunt. He grew up seeing ghosts ("They were like translucent white flashes of energy"), nearly becoming one himself when he
was felled by a critical asthma attack at five. Jonathan did not meet David or Munky in High School (Highland HS), though
they knew of Jon's existence. Since they had both dated Jons sister. Jonathan doesnt know how to drive and refuses to learn
how after working on countless car accident victims during his time as a mortician. He never forgets to buckle his seatbelt.
Jon's favorite Duran, Duran song is "the chauffer" Jon is superstitious. Jon was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.
Jon tried out for Jesus in Jesus Christ superstar. Jon did speed for 2 years in high school (hes' clean now). Jon's favorite
Montly Crue member is Niki Six. Jon collects dolls and some Pokemon. Jon's favorite follow the leader song is Pretty. Jon's
favorite color is purple and black. Jon wears 11 and 1/2 size shoes Jon was voted most likely to own his own mortuary in high
school. Jon bites his nails For Jon's 16th birthday, he had a pic of Mountly Crue on his cake. Jon's favorite song on issues,
is Dirty. Jon has 2 bag pipes. One says H.I.V on it.