-Freak on a Leash is #20 on the most expensive music videos. -Jonathan is of Scottish descent. -Jonathan and Fieldy
grew up together. -Fieldy picked on Jonathan when they were little. -Jonathan drew the first Korn logo with a crayon
with his left hand (he's right handed). -Jonathan punched Marliyn Manson on the Big Day Out tour because Manson was talking
shit about Jonathan. -Metallica was one of the first bands to take Korn on tour. -Coal Chamber's nick name is "Korn
jr". -Two third's of Head's and Munky's lives were spent together. -Caco is the guitar technician for Head and Munky.
He is also responsible for arranging the guitar effects on Follow the Leader. -Korn switched from Adidas to Puma because
Puma gave them a check for $500,000, a commercial, free gear, and partly because the people at ADIDAS starting becoming
assholes to them. -According to Munky, on the self titled Korn album, the shadow is holding a sling blade knife in his
right hand. But Jon still says "Its a horse shoe!" when he is asked about it. -When Korn first started to play, MTV
did not support Korn at all. They didn't start playing their videos until Life Is Peachy came out because of the overwhelming
demands. -David is the youngest member in the band. -Fieldy is the oldest member in the band. -Jonathan wrote five
tracks for the Queen of the Damned soundtrack, but was unable to release them on another record companies CD without prior
notice. (A perfect example of the bullshit bands have to go through simply because their record company wants a couple
more million bucks). -Korn's favorite brand of deodorant is Speed Stick, because it goes on dry. -Jon doesn't like to
write music unless the instrumental parts of the song are finished. -Fieldy's bass riffs are hip hop inspired. -Jon
decided to work in a morgue because he had a facination with horror films and it was a legal way to take out his anger. -Jon
refuses to drive a car because while working at the Kern County Coroners Office, one of his good friends came in dead
from a car accident, scaring him for life. -Orgy's guitarist, Ryan Shuck, was the guitarist in Sexart. (Jonathan's first
band). -The cover of Follow the Leader is drawn by Todd McFarline, and the Freak on a Leash video was directed by him as
well. -Korn hated doing the Familly Values Fall Tour '98 because the managers would'nt give them a break. Jon developed a
mental sickness from it, and it was breaking apart the band. -Issues is about Korn's career and how it has affected their
lives. -Munky played a 7 string before Head. -On the song "Earache My Eye" everyone played different instruments. Munky
and Head switched guitar parts, David played the bass, Fieldy sang (with Cheech Marin), and Jonathan played the drums.
-One of Jonathan's hobby's while on the bus is to surf the net for Korn sites on his lap top. -Korn runs their own
record company called "Elementree Records". -When Jonathan worked in a morgue, he saw a dead pimp come into the morgue,
with lingerie. He thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen, so he put that scene into the ADIDAS video. -When
Korn played Daddy for the first time live (and the only time), Jonathan broke down in the middle of the song.. -During
the filming for the video "Clown", a locker fell on Munky. He wasn't hurt so they continued taping. -Jonathan's mom was
an actor/dancer. -Jonathan's dad was a keyboardist in a band, and owned a music store. -Fieldy forces himself to throw
up before every show. -Munky's main influence is Faith No More. -Jonathan's parents kicked him out when he was 18 . -Jonathan's
favorite Duran Duran song is "The Chauffer". -Jonathan's favorite song on Follow The Leader is "Pretty". -Jonathan's
favorite song on Issues is "Dirty". -Jonathan's favorite song on Untouchables is "No Ones There". -Jonathan was three
years old when his parents were divorced. -Jonathan has two bagpipes, one saying "HIV". -Jonathan's favorite color is
black, however sometimes he will say it is purple as an inside joke. -Jonathan wears size 11 1/2 shoes. -Jonathan was
voted most likely to own his own motuary in high school. -Jonathan often bites his nails when he gets nervous. -Jonathan
was diagnosed with Post Tramatic Stress Disorder . -Jonathan tried out for Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar, but didn't
get the part. -Jonathan used to be addicted to speed. -For Jonathan's 16th birthday, he had a picture of Motley Crue
on his cake . -Jonathan named his son after his best friend, Nathan Cox . -The Toronto Sick and Twisted concert was
recorded as the loudest concert ever . -Munkys favorite brand of deodorant is Old Spice. -On Life Is Peachy the song
"Kunt" was originally called "Pussy Scab". -Korn came dressed in 80s rock band clothing, on their Halloween show during
the Family Values '98 Tour. They played "Rock You Like a Hurriane" by The Scorpions, and "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted
Sister . -MTV had a show called "12 Angry Mothers", where the moms would either give a yes or a no for videos. ADIDAS got twelve
"no's". -Nicholas Cage's favorite band is Korn -Fieldy is half Itallian and half Mexican -Korn's top 25 music videos
are: (From the MTV special "Korn's Favorite Videos") 25. Beastie Boys "Hello Ladies" 24. Korn "A.D.I.D.A.S." 23.
Cypress Hill "How Could I Just Kill A Man?" 22. Jameriqoui "Virtual Insanity" 21. Outkast "Rosa Parks" 20. Ice
Cube "We Be Clubbin" 19. Deftones "My Own Summer" 18. Weezer "Buddy Holly" 17. Orgy "Blue Monday" 16. Nine
Inch Nails "Head Like A Hole" 15. The Pharcyde "Passin' Me By" 14. Red Hot Chili Peppers "Give It Away" 13. Motley
Crue "Live Wire" 12. Sublime "What I Got" 11. Korn "Got The Life" 10. House Of Pain "Jump Around" 09.Fatboy
Slim "Praise You" 08. Tool "Track #1" 07. Busta Rhymes "Gimme Some More" 06. Aphex Twin "Come To Daddy" 05.
Wyclef Jean "Gone Till November" 04. Korn "Freak On A Leash" 03. Dr. Dre "Ain't Nothin' But A G Thing" 02. Nine
Inch Nails "Closer" 01. Beastie Boys "So Whatcha Want" -"My Gift To You" was originally going to be on self titled,
but became an out take. It was worked on later and became the ending track on Follow The Leader. -The early version
of "My Gift To You" was called "Molested". -Life is Peachy was originaly called "Life is Pee-Chee" after the popular suppliers
of school utensils. But the name was copyrighted, so they had to change the name to what it is now, Life Is Peachy. -Jonathan
used to sleep walk and bite people. -The high school Jonathan and Fieldy went to has the same name as the one Beavis and
Butthead went to, "Highland High". -David's dad was a fireman for 27 years . -David's favorite fast food is In and
Out Burger. -David has a younger brother named Andy, and 3 older sisters named Darla, Tracy, and Kelly . -Ham Cam (Danny)
takes most of Korn's live photos. He also recorded the majority of Who Then Now. -The hidden track on Issues is acually
blocked out by static that you hear at the end. "Am I Going Crazy?" was originally going to be the hidden track. But to
be different, they went ahead and played it over "Dirty", both backwards, creating the static sound. -Jonathan likes
a wide range of music from Cannibal Corpse to Justin Timberlake. -Munky's biggest accomplishment in his life is his daugher,
his biggest accomplishment in his career is it lasting this long. Jonathan used rapid eye movement to treat some of his
mental illnesses. -Jonathan's favorite football team is the Pittsburg Steelers.