A person, now, especially a woman, who professes or is supposed to practice magic, especially black magic or the black arts,
a sorceress. 2. An ugly or malignant old woman; a hag. 3. A fascinatingly attractive woman. 3.To affect
by, or as by witchcraft: bewitch; charm. 4. To change by or as by witchcraft. 5. To fascinate. 6. A woman
who practices magic, especially to do evil. 7. An ugly or bad old woman. 8. One that is credited with usually
malignant or supernatural powers; especially a woman practicing usually black witchcraft, often with the aid of a devil or
familiar. 9. An ugly old woman. 10. A charming, alluring girl or woman. 11. A practictioner of wicca.
12. A woman claiming or popularly believed to posses magical powers and practice sorcery. 13. A believer or follower
of wicca; a wiccan. 14. A hag. 15. A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing. 16. A woman or girl
considered bewitching. 17. One particularly skilled or competant a one's craft: "A witch of a writer, [she] is capable
of developing an intensity that verges on ferocity" (Peter S. Prescott).
Someone who does not follow an accepted religion. 2. An irreligious or heathenish person. 3. One who has
no religion. 4. A non-christian. 5. A hedonist. 6. Not christian, muslim or jewish. 6. Professing
no religion.
SATAN 1. The profoundly evil adversary
of god and humanity, often identified with the leader of the fallen angels; the devil. 2. The grand adversary of man;
the devil, or prince of darkness; the chief of the fallen angels; the archfiend. 3. The judeo-christian chief spirit
of evil and adversary of god; tempter of mankind; master of hell.
A religion influenced by pre-christian beliefs and practices of western Europe that affirms the existance of supernatural
power (as magic) and of both male and female deities who inhere in nature, and that empathizes ritual observance of seasonal
life cycles. 2. A polytheistic neo-pagan nature religion inspired by various pre-christian western European beliefs,
whose central deity is a mother goddess and which includes the use of herbal magic and benign witchcraft. 3. A group
or community of believers or followers of this religion.
SORCERESS A woman who is a sorcerer.
PRIESTESS 1. A woman
who presides over religious rites, especially in pagan religions. 2. A woman authorized to perform the sacred rites
of a religion. 3. A woman regarded as a leader (as of a movement).
In many religions, the major personified spirit of evil, ruler of hell, and foe of god. 2. A subordinate evil spirit;
a demon. 3. A wicked malevolent person. 4. A person: a handsome devil; the
poor devil. 5. An energetic, mischevious, daring,
or clever person. 6. A device or machine, especially one having teeth or spikes and used for tearing. 7. An outstanding
example, especially of something difficult or bad:
has a devil of a temper. 8. A severe reprimand
or expression of anger: gave me the devil for cutting
class. 9. Used as an intensive: who the devil do you think you are?
DEVILLED, DEVILING, DEVILS 1. To season food heavily. 2. To annoy, torment, or harrass.
3. To tear up (cloth or rags) in a toothed machine.
An innate wickedness. 2. Obsession with or affinity for evil; specifically: the worship of satan marked by the travesty
of christian rites. 3. The worship of satan characterized by a travesty of the christian rites. 4. Profound wickedness.
The use of sorcery or magic. 2. Communication with the devil or with a familiar. 3. An irresistable influence
or fascination. Magical sorcery. A magical or irresistable influence, attraction or charm.
The archangel cast from heaven for leading the revolt of the angels; satan. 2. The planet Venus in it's appearance as
the morning star.
WITCHUNT 1. An investigation
carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harrass and undermine those with differing views.
2. A searching out for persecution of persons accused
of witchcraft. 3. The searching out and deliberate harrassment of those (as political opponents) with unpopular views.
Dealings with or possession by the devil. 2. Belief in or worship of devils. Evil character or conduct.
MAGICK 1. Effort undertaken because of a personal need to effect change,
especially as associated with wicca or wiccan beliefs. 2. Variant of 'magic'.
HAG 1.
An ugly, slatternly, or evil-looking old woman. 2. Archaic; a female demon; an evil or frightening spirit. 3.
An old woman considered ugly or frightful. 4. A witch; a sorceress. 5. A female demon. 6. An ugly old woman.
6. A fury; a she-monster. 7. An ugly, evil-looking old woman. 8. Eel-like cyclostome having a tongue with horny
teeth in a round mouth surrounded by eight tentacles; feeds on dead or trapped fishes by boring into their bodies.
The devil; satan. 2. One of the fallen angels in Milton's Paradise Lost. Beelzebub was next to satan in power. 3. An evil spirit; a demon.
4. The title of a heathen deity to whom the jews ascribed the sovereignty of the evil spirits; hence, the devil or a devil.
5. The name given to satan, and found only in the new testament, it is probably the same as baalzebub the god of Ekron, meaning
"the lord of the flies", or, as others think, "the lord of dung", or "the dung-god".
Any of the various local fertility and nature gods of the ancient Semitic peoples considered to be false gods by the hebrews.
2. A false god or idol.
HEATHEN 1. An irreligious
or unenlightened person. 2. Someone who does not believe in the god of the bible. 3. Someone who is not
religious or shows disrespect and dislike for religion.
GOD 1.
A deity, especially a male deity, presiding over some portion of worldy affairs. 2. The supreme or ultimate reality:
as a) the being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped as creator and ruler of the universe, b) christian
science: the incorporeal divine principle ruling
over all as eternal spirit: infinite mind. 3. A being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers
and to require human worship; specifically: one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality. 4. A person or thing
of supreme value. 5. A powerful ruler.
A female god or deity. 2. A woman whose great charm or beauty arouses adoration.
GODDESS 1. Success; especially: material or worldy
WARLOCK 1. A man practicing
the black arts. 2. Conjurer.
A man supposed to have magical powers for healing or harming others. 2. A sorcerer, prophet, or shamanistic healer,
especially among African peoples.
A tall conical hat with a narrow brim, supposedly worn by witches (yeah,
I never leave home without mine......... Akasha). Anything resembling such a hat.
One that practices magic arts.. 2. One that performs feats of sleight of hand and illusion.